Original order is $75.00. For only $45.00 more you will receive:
1 extra pound of HTS-528 brazing rod
½ lb brazing rods free valued at $37.50
Future orders locked in at $50.00 per lb
Additional Discount $20.00
Complete step by step instructions
Total savings $57.50 for 2 1/2 lb.
in two 1.25 Ib containers
Yes, please upgrade my order to 2 ½ lbs.
for a total of: $120.00
+ S&H* Click on the Buy button to continue:
* (US & CA shipping by UPS
ground, one day or two day options - added when
ordering, outside the US & CA shipping cost calculated by country-
added when ordering. )
Need to speed up your order
with 1 or 2 day UPS shipping? Please
choose to upgrade your order with the right shipping option for you!
(US and CA only)
for more options